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Understanding And Activating All Your 7 Chakras

Understanding the 7 Chakras

Are you looking to take your meditation to the next level? Not sure how to focus your energies to target specific areas during meditation? If you’re interested in Eastern-influenced yoga or meditation, we’re going to dive into the concept of chakras for beginners.
In many spiritual disciplines, chakras are used as a guide for healing and improvement. Learning what they are and how they work can be a fantastic way to incorporate awareness and targeted benefits into your meditative routine.
Ready to learn about your energy centers? Read on.

What Are Chakras?

An ancient belief in the manifestation of energy, chakra translates as “spinning wheel.” You might think of them as focal points of energy that run along the core of your being, from the tip of your head to the base of your spine. Chakras for beginners can seem like a confusing concept- they aren’t physical manifestations that you can touch, but rather power stations in the body through which physical and spiritual energy travels.

Yogis and practitioners of Eastern medicine believe that our chakras are the source of balance in our physical, mental, and emotional lives. Tapping into that energy can help us realize our potential, find our center, and even achieve the highest level of personal fulfillment.
In this guide to the seven chakras for beginners, we’ll talk about the symbolism behind the chakras and what each energy center in the body governs. You’ll learn where each chakra manifests in the body and which systems they govern.

We’ll also address how blockages of those chakras can present as negative symptoms. With a better understanding of what chakras are and how they work, you’ll have a foundation of knowledge on how they play into your overall sense of well-being.
Let’s explore each chakra one by one.

Chakra 7: Sahasrara, The Crown

Represented by the color violet, the Crown is the manifestation of the entire human self and all that lies beyond it. It is the highest energy center of the body and our connection to pure consciousness.
Located at the top of the head, the Crown is associated with our central nerves and cerebral cortex. This chakra governs our connection to the divine, our higher levels of understanding, and it is the gateway to self-awareness.
The symbol for the seventh chakra is the thousand-petaled lotus. While it is the path to enlightenment, blockage of the sahasrara can lead to psychological problems, disassociations, emotional imbalance, and mental illness.

Chakra 6: Anja, The Third Eye

The third eye symbol with two lotus petals is also known as the eyebrow chakra, represented by the color indigo. Located just above eye level on the center forehead, this chakra governs the brain centers. Linked to our pituitary gland, anja holds the dreams for this life and the recollections of past lives.
A strong third eye leads to wisdom, intuition, and knowledge. Anja is the holder of deep inner consciousness and all aspects of our psyches. We rely on this chakra for growth and development.
Memory issues, lack of foresight, depression, and mental blocks can all be associated with an unbalanced or blocked sixth chakra.

Chakra 5: Vishuddi, The Throat

Turquoise blue, the throat chakra is symbolized by sixteen-petaled lotus. Each of these petals represents a letter in the Sanskrit alphabet, which is appropriate for the chakra that governs communication and language.
Associated with communication, nourishment, expression, and hearing, the vishuddi is the energy center through which we are heard. Linked closely to the cervical spine, voice box, and neck region, this chakra also governs the thyroid and associated glands.
The throat chakra is the root of our metabolism and endocrine system. Through it, we find our voice of unique expression, our language, and transmission of ideas.
Poor energy transmission through the throat chakra can lead to difficulty expressing our desires, lack of communication, dishonesty, and metabolic issues.

Chakra 4: Anahata, The Heart

Governing the heart and lungs, the anahata is represented by the color green. Known as the house of the soul, the heart chakra is the focal center of love. It is the intersection of the ascending forces of instinct and the descending forces of the divine in the body.
The symbol for the heart chakra is a twelve-petalled lotus surrounding six-pointed star, which represents the union of male and female. We fall in love through this chakra and are empowered with compassion and connectedness to others through its power.
Associated with air, touch sensation, and the thoracic spine, a blocked anahata can cause feelings of despair and isolation.

Chakra 3: Manipura, The Solar Plexus

Manipura is represented by the color yellow and a ten petaled-lotus with an inverted triangle. A few inches above the navel, this chakra governs the digestive system, pancreas, adrenals, and the lumbar spine.
Associated with fire and vitality, manipura is the seat of emotion. Courage, joy, enthusiasm, self-esteem; all of these energies arise from the solar plexus. A strong third chakra provides us with glowing health, ambition, and the strength to achieve.
Poor energy in the manipura can lead to issues with aggression, ego, digestion, and lack of direction.

Chakra 2: Svadishthana, The Sacral Chakra

Represented by the color orange, the svadishthana (translated as “her own abode”) is the seat of passion and lust for life. Associated with reproduction, taste, desire, and pleasure, the sacral chakra also governs our kidneys and waste systems.
The symbol for this chakra is a six-petaled lotus with a moon. It is associated with the element of water. The second chakra is the place from which our physical pleasure manifests. Located above the pelvis, it helps shape our passionate desires and governs our cravings and physical sensations.
Blockage of the sacral chakra can lead to obsessive behavior, sexual dysfunction, reproductive issues, and a multitude of addictions.

Chakra 1: Muladhara, The Root

Our chakra nearest to the ground, the muladhara is found at the base of the spine. Known as the root chakra, and represented by the color red, this energy center grounds us and connects us to our physical selves. It is associated with your legs and feet, adrenal glands, and excretory muscles.
The first chakra is the foundation of our physical existence and energies. Your fight or flight response, physical urges, desire for food and sleep- all are seated in the first chakra. Well-being, survival, and security are all governed by the muladhara.
The symbol for the root chakra is a four-petaled lotus containing a square and inverted triangle. It is associated with earth and sense of smell. Imbalance of this chakra results in fear, excessive focus on survival, paranoia, and impulsive instinctual behavior.

Chakras for Beginners: What’s Next?

You’ve had a chance to discover some information on chakras for beginners, but where do you take that knowledge? Eastern medicine greatly values chakra energies for meditation, yoga, and a variety of other wellness practices that you can use to balance your inner self.
If you’d like to learn more about energy and meditation, visit us at Mp3 Meditation Club.


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